Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Attention Pregnant Mamas - Save the Date!

We have a special gift brewing for you!  We invite you into the sacredness of your birth journey with an Awakened Mama Retreat where you will connect with nature, yourself, your baby, and other beautiful mamas.  Spring is right around the corner, which is the perfect time to align with nature’s rebirth and emergence!  Stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks. 

About Us

Amy & Brittany
Amy (left), Brittany (right)
Brittany and I were friends who hung out occasionally in high school.  It wasn’t until we reunited in 2006 that our spiritual connection took off.  This reunion struck an evolutionary chord inside both of us.  I had just started recovering from my first heartbreak (oh how intense our mid-twenties can be), and Brittany returned from three years of independence in Denver.  We were both going through some major transitions in our lives, and we found surrender with each other.  That day we reunited, we shared our experiences--where we had been, what we have learned--and that we had no idea where we were going.  Just this simple process of communicating from the heart + listening opened up many new layers for us.

Brittany and I are convinced that experience is the most fruitful tool for learning.  Our very own lives provide evolutionary tools, resources, and pleasure if we simply awaken to learning.  There are lessons entangled in each experience, and when we can take a step back and look without judgment, those lessons gently reveal themselves.  Each struggle (big or small) is an opportunity to do a little bit of work to unravel our own growth, exploration, adventure, discovery, connection, and internal freedom.  We can do this through finding new language to make sense of our experience, language that serves us.  This is why communication and curiosity are so important.  We have recognized that life is not happening to us—it is happening for us.  We face a returning choice: to default to a learned victim mentality or to embrace our divine power as infinite creatures of the universe.  This is our constant cycle of birth-death-rebirth, just like the seasons. 

Brittany and I have realized that we are more powerful than we think we are, and our very own experiences can teach us how to grow into our full potential, our true nature.  Like Eckhart Tolle says, we must remember that we are human (mind) Beings (eternal presence, spirit).  The mind is needed to communicate and function in our human-made world, and the spirit is needed for self-actualization, total fulfillment, wholeness.  In our modern day world, we’ve simply created a habit of existing in the thinking mind, and we must learn how to spend more time with Being. 

The definition of a mystic is “a person who seeks by contemplation and self-surrender to obtain unity with or absorption into the Deity or the absolute, or who believes in the spiritual apprehension of truths that are beyond the intellect.”

Brittany and I consider ourselves mystics, seekers.  We choose to go inside our selves, quiet our minds, and wait for the answers to which we seek.  We have experienced a tremendous amount of growth and transformation since we have gathered the language and the tools to connect and access our spirit connection when needed.  Brittany and I have become soul sisters who experience each other and the world in an intimate way.  We have cultivated a community that supports growth, living in harmony with nature and all living things, and honoring the Being in all of us.  We have learned that seeking answers internally is essential for change in our lives.  

And so we are honored to share our path + this profound intimacy with you. 

-Amy xoxo

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Hello!  This blog was conceived in the last week, and it is still a seed in the womb.  It is currently being nourished and tended to in preparation for a long, healthy life ahead.  We are grateful for your patience, calm, and eagerness as we slowly work toward giving birth to a vital portal in your well being.  We are excited to share with you!  Stay tuned . . . 

- Amy + Brittany :)