Monday, April 28, 2014

Top 5 Reasons to Attend the Awakened Mama Retreat

Reason #1: Self Care
In our busy world, we seldom take time to quiet the mind and connect with the true self within - our inner knowing beyond the thinking mind. Self care is a literal need in the human culture, and when we retreat, we remove distractions from our lives to focus on this need. When you are feeling emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically well, your entire mechanism is functioning at its most optimal level because you are taken care of as a whole person. You feel confident about your ability to birth your baby, and to be a mother, whether this is your first, second, or fifth baby.  

Reason #2: Unity with Nature
This retreat will invite you to realize your true connection to nature and all of life. As a birth-giver, you are a powerful part of this connection. At the retreat, you can experience quiet solitude with the farm animals, enjoy a walking trail with other mamas, or sit by the flowing stream to listen to the water cleanse your spirit. This natural connection heals and comforts. You will feel a sense of oneness and peace. 

Reason #3: Female Companionship
No one understands pregnancy and birth better than other women! And of course, you are never alone in this universal event of birth. The retreat will invite you to celebrate the power and softness of womanhood and birth as we know it. You will be able to connect and develop deep relationships with other pregnant mamas, get to know your inner goddess, and let the support of other women rise up, as you also learn to support with your true inner wisdom. 

Reason #4: Release Fear + Anxiety about Birth
Birth can be scary, no doubt. And it is okay to be scared! Whether you are a first-time mama leaning into the unknown, or a second-time mama who already knows the intensity of birth, it is the work we do to look at, understand, and release our thoughts and false stories of self-doubt, fear, and limitation. The retreat will include a women's circle where we will create a sacred space for you to feel safe in the exploration of your fears and concerns, and also for you to feel empowered to own your truest desires for your birth without discounting them. 

Reason #5: Expanding Spiritual Awareness + Intuition
Women are naturally intuitive and can understand one another without saying a word. When women gather, something magical occurs - an inner knowing and compassion - a deep sense of empathy and oneness that unfolds and brings comfort to all. The retreat will create an awareness and remembrance of our intuitive self as we allow it to guide us in a trusting way. As the retreat closes, you will know that you have made a connection, created a new path, and a lasting memory of a special time.  

Say yes to yourself. 

Renew.  Rebalance.  Retreat. 

Awakened Mama Retreat Registration

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